Wishing you all a very happy new year 2017.
Hope you all had a wonderful year in 2016.
Mine was not less then, a roller coaster ride as I got many opportunities with many more challenges, with helped me create a beautiful bunch of memories of 2016, which am about to share with you all in this post.
This post is basically, a THANK YOU POST to each and everyone who helped me grow a year wiser and better.This post also incorporates, some of my beautiful work experiences with beautiful, creative mind set people. Would also like to Thank all my family , friends, colleagues , for making it more special everyday. First, 2017 had to be something special so, I thought- why not thank everyone who helped me grow a better individual in 2016 ....... ....
Here you Go !
- Working with the Kayastha Duo
Back in 2010 - 2012 , during my early days of blogging & when I was sure, how much I loved fashion and be a part of this industry. I always wanted to be a part of Nepals' amazing FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER'S team , he is non other then Mr. KISHOR KAYASTHA. well it took me exactly 6 long years to work with him. I cant thank my old work place for giving me an opportunity to make my dream to work with this guy as his team member. Mr. Kishor Kayastha & Meena Kayastha as two most amazingly creative duo- and am blessed to get a chance to work with them & know them in person more.......
Below are some of our work as team kishorkayastha

- Freelancer Styling
Another amazing breakthrough in 2016 was working, as a freelancer for different advertisement campaigns of biggest brands; like - Samsung & Ncell. I have almost worked for 4 campaigns for Samsung Nepal - where I first started my free lancing project working with Malvika Subba (Djuu ), followed by Navyug Shrestha, Barsha Raut & Dashain festival campaign. Follwed by Ncell - which is yet not aired! , , Huwai smart phones. During this stage I also did some other projects like helping people out for their port folio shoot & training session for the modelling agency.
- Pulsar Dare Venture Season 2(PDVs2)
The biggest achievement after getting to work with the KAYASTHA DUO. Am happy one of my boss knew my work which was appreciated and was referred to work as the stylist for one episode of the show - but I ended up being the stylist of not only for the contestant but also for the host after fitness & obstacle test episode of the show. It was my first time working for a show - actually for TV series. Mark my words people , it was hell lot of great experience as I got to know may styling essence of twists which totally differs then that we normally do in magazines. I cant thank enough the entire team members of PDVs2 , from the Organizers, Camera crew, Host, Marshalls, Volunteers and ofcourse the Contestants.
And in this post I would liek to thank these amazing people for helping me grow & learn more during the entire period of work of PDVs2 - Ms. Poonam Singh from Bajaj , Mr. Sudeep shrestha from Ecs Media and Simosh Sunwar (director of the show)
- Swankyranatraveldiaries2016
Another thing I am super fond of after FASHION & STYLING is definitely - TRAVELLING. Am happy to tell you all that i travel as much as I can when i get a chance. Must say 2016 was full roller coaster ride with lots of travelling. Guess what I got to travel entirely all three state of the nation i.e. Himalayan , Hilly and Terai belt of Nepal. Thsi year I got to travel some really cool new places like - Sindhuli , Last Resort, Okhaldhunga Bazar, Phaplu , Janakpur, Australian camp & Dhampush .
These were some special turn overs that made my 2016 one happening year. Would like to thank you all for the bottom of my heart.
Hope you all enjoyed this post
Chandra (Ecsliving); Facebook page of ECSLIVING